5-Min Read - Work Place Anger Management

5-Min Read - Work Place Anger Management

(cover image credit:  Aarón Blanco Tejedor)


"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned." - Thich Nhat Hanh

The Pep-talk: 

Recognizing the Harm:

"I've seen how expressing anger only causes more harm than good."

Choosing Self-Respect:

"When I let anger drive my actions at work, I end up regretting it."

Prioritizing Productivity:

"I know that anger won't get me anywhere productive."

Breaking the Cycle:

"I've been down the road of workplace anger before, and it's never led to anything positive."

Choosing a Different Path:

"I've learned that giving in to anger is like planting a seed of trouble."

Learning from Others:

"I've seen colleagues let anger control them, and it never turns out well."

Putting Well-Being First:

"I've felt the frustration of letting anger take over; it's time I prioritize my own well-being and success."

Reclaiming Control:

"I'm not going to let anger be the boss of my actions anymore."

Avoiding Repetition:

"I've experienced the fallout of workplace anger, and it's not an experience I want to repeat."

Choosing Growth:
"I know deep down that anger only sets me back."


    In the heart of understanding, anger has its place. Do not shun it for it teaches, but guide it with wisdom and compassion.


    In the vast landscape of emotions, anger, like all others, has its rightful place. To feel it is neither a mark of shame nor a reason for guilt. Imagine anger as a boiling kettle. As the water heats up, bubbles form, and the pressure builds, the whistle sounds its call for attention.

    In the heart of understanding, we recognize that the steam within the kettle serves a purpose. If we misinterpret the whistle or remain unaware, we might unintentionally fuel the flame beneath, amplifying the intensity of our emotions. This unchecked heat, this growing anger, can eventually cause the kettle to spill over, scalding and causing harm.

    Guiding our anger with wisdom and compassion is akin to understanding the kettle's message — it's not about suppressing the whistle but listening to it, discerning its source. By doing so, we ensure we respond in ways that neither burn ourselves nor those around us. Just remember, letting it take over doesn't make you feel better—it actually makes things worse for you in the long run.

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